My First Psychic Consultation

At fifteen I went by train with a group of friends for my first psychic reading. We each had to take along an uncooked egg for our consultation.

We were welcomed at the door by a smiling, elderly lady and invited inside. With a rosy cheeks and broad Scottish accent she looked nothing like what I had expected.

We chatted briefly to the psychic and her elderly husband and learned that each consultation was to be done one at a time in another room. Those waiting for their turn talked amongst themselves and chatted to the old man.

Going in first I sat down facing the psychic and placed my uncooked egg carefully on the side table between us. I didn’t have any previous experience with private consultations and was concerned I might be told something horrible and scary. Well, I needn’t have worried.

Events from my past were mentioned first and I think that was to validate the psychic’s credentials. Then we got down to the future events I had come to hear.

Breaking the raw egg over a glass of water the psychic carefully separated the yolk from the white. The yolk went into a dish and the white went into the water. The formation of the white of the egg was extra divination.

Peering into the egg white the psychic saw me in a long white dress standing outside of a church,  A man from over the seas was to be my future husband and we would have two children I was told.

Other interesting information was given and once my consultation was completed I joined the others in the parlour while one of my friends took my place for her turn.

Back on the train we excitedly talked about our futures. Apparently we were all to be married. Good news for impressionable teenagers brought up on romantic novels and Hollywood movies.  It was never mentioned, nor was it part of our reality at the time that romantic love is not always everlasting and there may be more than one marriage for us.

I did meet and marry my man from over the seas. He came from Holland and we did have two children. I also married him in a church and I wore a long, white dress.
